Toymakers - Part 2

Foreword This is a long multi-part story I've been working on, inspired by the captions "Liberation through Subjugation" and "Cleaning House" from the amazing alpha transformation author Realfield . An innocuous, eight word sentence from them has spawned an idea that will end up spanning approximately 5000 words. This story involves themes of male and female bimbofication, distinctions between alphas and betas, and a corporate workplace that mass produces a specific kind of employee. Transformations are often implied and some of the sexier parts won't come until later, but if you can push through these first few parts I certainly hope I can make it worth you while. So come...join the Toymakers. PREVIOUS PART: NEXT PART: Upcoming... Toymakers - Part 2 Obediently you kept up with her as she teetered around on her stilettos towards a new destination. She was droning on about employee benef...