Alphabetized: Daddy's Duty
Hello all! This is the first entry in the Joint June & July series of collaborative caps I've been cooking up. I've been a big fan of Realfield and their Alphabetized series for a long time and this will be the first of a few caps I'm doing in that universe. For those who aren't aware, the Alphabetized Universe is based around a species of 'alphas' whose goal is to create order and the universe and realign 'beta' males as subservient sexpots to dominant masters. I highly recommend reading the original piece as well as the rest of Realfield's excellent entries in these series, but if you like power dyanmics and themes of sissification, bimbofication, hypnosis, and slow transformations, I think you'll enjoy this as much as I do!
This first piece explores an unexplored dynamic in the Alphabetized Universe - does the 'alpha' gene pass down between generations? Read on to see a take on what being a role model/a good father who teaches your son proper behavior might mean in an alpha/beta world
I love that you're expanding the Alphabetized Universe. So many stories to tell.